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Automotive Design Studio

Program Management Services

Program Management:  Hardware, Software and Integration​

Program management for hardware systems and software require two different approaches coupled with the general program management processes.  Cornerstone technical solutions has the skills to upgrade your program management processes and deliverables to insure successful execution.  Additionally, we can provide the required program management processes and resources to integrate hardware systems together and to integrate those systems to software. From requirements development to production validation and launch, we have the skills to significantly improve your product launches​



Agile was originally developed to provide program management visibility to software development.  Cornerstone has evaluated Agile and has coupled this with hardware program management processes to create a hybrid approach that can accelerate your development cycles and increase overall communication within your projects.  â€‹


Launch Processes​

Product launch issues are regularly a source of operational cost challenges and impacts on the quarterly performance of a company. Cornerstone has developed a Launch Improvement Process that will address the ongoing launch issues that repetitively appear in new product introductions.  Our team will evaluate issues from recent launches and provide a comprehensive assessment including recommendations for systemic changes.  We will work with your team(s) to address these operational concerns and systemic issues to insure that they do not repeat in future product launches. ​


Product Development Systems​

Cornerstone has extensive background in Product Development Systems.  Members of our team have re-engineered product development systems, marrying the cross functional processes from Marketing, Design, Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Finance with the Engineering Disciplines for a new product.  We work with the respective functional teams, understand the key deliverables between customer and owner and develop a comprehensive development process for your company.  We couple this with Agile processes and accelerate your product development cycle and reduce overall development costs.



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